Monday, June 9, 2014

GSoC 2014 week 3

The last week was the final week for completing the first task of my project. As I've been describing in my previous posts, "save as" and "edit" options are introduced. Apart from that, functionality of the"save" button has been changed so that the changes will be saved into the "table_coords" table.

in coding perspective, the new functionalities are handled through the "pmd_general.php" file. Following is a screenshot of the code portion which handles all the new added features.

The functionality which handles the saving is changed to save data into the  "table_coords" table. Same functionality is used for the "save changes to existing page" option.

So now, in the designer, "designer_coords" table will not be used, in fact "pdf_pages" and "table_coords". So unlike the previous behavior, the designer will load page wise designs.

Possible TODOs: add option to delete tables from the pdf pages.
So the user has more flexibility over the pdf pages.

I'll put the details of the next task in a seperate blog post soon.

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